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                BUSINESS AREA

                FRAGRANT MATERIAL

                The eucalyptus oil, pine oil, tea tree oil and cinnamon oil series of fragrance raw materials and fragrance monomers meet the needs of customers at different levels. They have been the stable and high-quality raw material selection of internationally renowned perfume companies for many years.

                ANIMAL PROTECTION

                Plant extract feed additives have one or more biologically functional active substances. Because of their safety, high efficiency and natural advantages, they have good effects in preventing animal diseases, improving intestinal flora, and promoting production. They are the first choice for antibiotics. Product.

                PLANT PROTECTION

                Plant-derived biological pesticides are also known as natural pesticides. The raw materials are not chemically synthesized, but are pesticides that are developed using natural chemical substances or biological resources such as living organisms as raw materials, and have sterilization, repellent and weeding effects.

                ESSENTIAL OIL LIFE

                The history of human use of natural essential oils can be traced back to Egypt in ancient times. As a fascinating aromatic substance with miraculous effects, it has been prosperous today. Simple and pure, but it plays an unusual role in our lives.