• <tr id='N8gJNW'><strong id='N8gJNW'></strong><small id='N8gJNW'></small><button id='N8gJNW'></button><li id='N8gJNW'><noscript id='N8gJNW'><big id='N8gJNW'></big><dt id='N8gJNW'></dt></noscript></li></tr><ol id='N8gJNW'><option id='N8gJNW'><table id='N8gJNW'><blockquote id='N8gJNW'><tbody id='N8gJNW'></tbody></blockquote></table></option></ol><u id='N8gJNW'></u><kbd id='N8gJNW'><kbd id='N8gJNW'></kbd></kbd>

    <code id='N8gJNW'><strong id='N8gJNW'></strong></code>

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              <ins id='N8gJNW'></ins>
              <acronym id='N8gJNW'><em id='N8gJNW'></em><td id='N8gJNW'><div id='N8gJNW'></div></td></acronym><address id='N8gJNW'><big id='N8gJNW'><big id='N8gJNW'></big><legend id='N8gJNW'></legend></big></address>

              <i id='N8gJNW'><div id='N8gJNW'><ins id='N8gJNW'></ins></div></i>
              <i id='N8gJNW'></i>
            1. <dl id='N8gJNW'></dl>
              1. <blockquote id='N8gJNW'><q id='N8gJNW'><noscript id='N8gJNW'></noscript><dt id='N8gJNW'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='N8gJNW'><i id='N8gJNW'></i>
                Recruiting Talents
                Only Use
                People Oriented
                Commendation Guide

                Formulate Employment Policies

                Various rules and regulations protect the legitimate rights and interests of employees

                Value And Train Talents

                Build a broad platform to realize the common growth of enterprises and employees, and share the fruits of enterprise development.

                Strengthen Safety Education

                Improve employees' safety awareness and operating skills to ensure their personal safety.

                Five social insurance and one housing fund
                Various Bonuses
                Welfare Holiday
                Health Checkup
                Holiday Gifts
                Birthday Gift
                Maternity Leave Allowance
                Anxi Dragon Gate
                Zixi Mountain
                Changtai Xiaohuangshan
                Changtai Golf Course
                Yunnan Workers' Games
                Yunnan Workers' Games
                Fire drill in Yunnan base
                Window of the world
                Training photos
                Ningde Baishuiyang
                Team Work
                Emergency drill at Fujian production base
                Company trip to Huangshan