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                Simeida strives not only to bring health and beauty to everyone, but also to give everyone the hope of a better life.


                Formulate Employment Policies

                Various Rules And Regulations Protect The Legitimate Rights And Interests Of Employees

                Value And Train Talents

                Build A Broad Platform To Realize The Common Growth Of Enterprises And Employees, And Share The Fruits Of Enterprise Development.

                Strengthen Safety Education

                Improve Employees' Safety Awareness And Operating Skills To Ensure Their Personal Safety.



                RAW MATERIALS

                Strictly Selected High-quality Raw Materials

                We adapt to the times, go to the most high-quality raw material producing areas in the most suitable season, establish a close and mutually beneficial relationship with growers, do our best to provide help and support, and work together to achieve higher quality raw materials.



                Strict Quality Control

                We strictly implement the operating requirements of the quality system, select advanced equipment and experimental methods, and control the product quality level by level by a quality control team with professional knowledge and rich experience.


                CUSTOMER SERVICE

                Perfect Customer Service

                We cherish the good cooperative relationship we have established with customers for many years, and are good at providing customers with personalized product solutions. Dare to make breakthroughs, continue to innovate, insist on optimizing processes, and continuously improve the ability to serve customers.