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                Meet for 20 years, and jointly draw the new blue chart. Sen Meida Group held a working meeting of middle and senior managers
                Release time: 2022/01/15

                On January 14, Summit Group held the 2022 working meeting of middle and senior managers at the Hyatt Villa Hotel in Xiamen. The chairman, Huang Jinlong, introduced, in the past 20 years, our company has overcome difficulties, forge ahead and adhere to the spirit of innovation, developed a business company with a registered capital of only RMB 500 Thousand to a leading natural Falvor and Fragrance raw material supplier in China with a total area of 400 mu and an turnover of more than RMB one billion.


                In 2021, the changes of the century and the epidemic situation of the century will be intertwined, Summit Group is tenacious and has risen against the trend, The Group's annual sales revenue increased by more than 20%, Mr Huang said that the great practice of the century-old founding of the Party, the Group has opened up new fields of application of plant essential oils, In June 2021, the "Meiyibao" Brand Essential oil replacing antibiotics animal protection series products were launched, with its functions of improving the anti-stress ability of fish and shrimp and improving intestinal health, and has successfully won the trust of farmers in the cultivation of largemouth bass, Plectropomus leopardus and Penaeus vannamei, win a good reputation in a short time. At the opening ceremony of 2022, our Group will "deploy innovation chain around the industrial chain and lay out the industrial chain around the innovation chain", adhere to the high-quality, green and digital development path, strive to be the pioneer of scientific and technological innovation, let Summit products benefit thousands of families.


                The theme of this year's senior executives' meeting is "meeting for 20 years and drawing a new blueprint together", centering on the spirit of the meeting, middle and senior management representatives have adopted examples, data and illustrations, comprehensively, objectively and deeply share experience around achievements and shortcomings in 2021, work plan in 2022, etc, explore ways of development, strengthen confidence in our work, contribute to the goal of "market value of RMB 10 billion, Leading natural flavor industry, and occupying a place in the fields, such as essential oil replacing antibiotics, biological pesticides, essential oil daily chemicals and etc".