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                Digital empowerment helps enterprises to lean management
                Release time: 2022/06/30

                 Digital empowerment helps enterprises to lean management

                 In the past two years, most of the Chinese enterprises are all facing so many challenges, such as the COVID-19 breaking through-out the world, the trade conflicts between China and the US, the fast appreciation of the RMB, the fast cost increasing of the Sea freight and the high delays, the shortage of funds and talents for the Small and medium-sized enterprises. 

                In 2020, Summit Group carried out the digital transformation and upgrading, realizing the migration of business systems to the cloud. The Cloud management systems including resource planning, supply chain and customer relationship have been launched successively. In the era of epidemic, we are committed to reducing costs, improving efficiency and innovating.

                In 2021, using the Ding Talk, Summit Group took a more solid step towards digitalization. Cooperative office, video conference system and OA approval make the home and remote work efficient, work report, Ding plate and Ding message make data and information transmission more accurate. Digital performance management is the highlight of the project, the new performance management model emphasizes immediate feedback, stimulation and promotion of the initiative and creativity of the talents, helping our company gradually build a sustainable win-win and mutually driven and mutually successful relationship. After two years of polishing and upgrading, the Summit Groups digital management platform had achieved good results.

                On June 16, 2022, as a successful digital transfer enterprise, Summit Group was invited to participate the Lecture on "Focusing on Enterprise Innovation in the Digital Era to Help Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Develop with High Quality". The lecture was sponsored by Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology and Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Finance, and hosted by Xiamen Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Service Center, Xiamen Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Service Industry Association, Xiamen Small and Medium-sized Online Information Service Co., Ltd., Ding Talk (China) Information Technology Co., Ltd. and Xiamen Weierlian Technology Co., Ltd. In the lecture, Summit Group shared the harvest and experience of digital transformation in the past year, looking forward to the further development of digital transformation and empowerment in the later stage, providing the valuable experience and reference for small and medium-sized enterprises.