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                Fujian Summit Biotechnology is Selected as a National Key Forestry Leading Enterprise
                Release time: 2023/02/02


                Since its establishment, the company has been adhering to the business philosophy of ¡°taking from nature and giving back to society¡±, promoting enterprise development with innovation. Back in 2007, the company has begun to carry out the planting of melaleuca alternifolia in Yong'an City, regarding it as an important measure for the adjustment of the industrial structure of the enterprise and the development of rural economy. A long-term purchase agreement with farmers was signed which promises ¡°no limit and minimum guarantees on purchasing¡±. Based on the actual situation of growers, the enterprise promotes the planting of melaleuca alternifolia by using the ¡°fixed return¡±, ¡°leasehold return¡±, ¡°fixed prepayment¡±, ¡°low-yield forest transformation¡± and the cooperative programs. The enterprise adopts the five ¡°unified¡± management methods, namely ¡°unified seedling supply, unified technical services, unified planting standards, unified nursery management and unified purchase¡±. To ensure the planting melaleuca alternifolia receives strong technical support and guarantees large-scale promotion, the enterprise exerts the full advantages of Yong'an City's high level of agricultural industrialization, and makes use of the technical strength of the Forestry Bureau in planting, hiring science and technology commissioners to solve the technical problems in tissue culture, tending management, essential oil processing and production of melaleuca alternifolia. It has achieved a win-win situation for enterprises, farmers, markets and society. Summit Biotechnology fully plays the leading role of a forestry leading enterprise and makes positive contributions to promoting local industry poverty alleviation and rural revitalization.