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                Yunnan Summit Biotechnology Won the Golden Medals in Farm Sustainability Assessment (FSA)
                Release time: 2023/05/12

                 Recently, 20 raw material farms of Yunnan Summit Biotechnology Co., Ltd. have passed the Farm Sustainability Assessment (FSA), with 4 of them awarded the golden medal certification. Summit becoming one of the few companies nationalwide to pass the certification and receive gold medals. This certification not only reflects the connection between the company and farmers, but also helps to increase the credibility of purchasers and consumers for the products, which is beneficial for the development of the enterprise and the promotion of domestic and foreign brand value.

                FSA is a global agricultural sustainability certification standard, which evaluates companies from multiple aspects, including environmental protection, social responsibility, and economic benefits, with levels of gold, silver, and bronze.

                In the process of natural aroma ingredient planting and production, Yunnan Summit advocates green planting and pollution-free production, relying on advanced technology and scientific management, and pursuing resource-saving and environmental-friendly production methods. At the same time, Yunnan Summit actively participates in rural revitalization, providing planting discounts, technical training, planting subsidies, etc. for farmers, taking them to the road of prosperity.

                Yunnan Summit's application and passing of the FSA certification demonstrate the company¡¯s efforts and achievements in environmental protection, social responsibility, and other aspects. In the future, Yunnan Summit will further pursuit sustainable development, and continuously strengthen technological innovation and improve management methods, strive to achieve higher levels in environmental protection and social responsibility, and make greater contributions to promoting China's sustainable agricultural development.