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                Fujian Forestry Bureau leaders visited Fujian Summit for research and guidance
                Release time: 2023/02/06

                On February 6, 2023, at the beginning of the Chinese New Year, Zheng Shengwen, Director of Reform and Development Department of Fujian Forestry Bureau, Li Minhui, Director of Science and Technology Department, Chen Xianzhong, Chief engineer of Sanming Forestry Bureau, Wen Yongyou, Deputy mayor of Yong 'an City, and relevant leaders of Fujian, Sanming and Yong 'an Forestry Bureau visited Fujian Summit Biotechnology Co., Ltd. to carry out special research and guide the industrial development work.


                The research team visited the rectification workshop of Summit Biotechnology 

                At 9:00 a.m., Director Zheng Shengwen and other research group first investigated the processing workshop of Melaleuca Alternifolia. By listening to the report and explanation of Jiang Lihua, the person in charge of Fujian Summit, the research team asked in detail about the production and operation of the enterprise, and carefully understood the production process, product usage, and farmers' planting enthusiasm. They stressed that enterprises should play their own and industrial advantages, extend the chain to complement the chain to strengthen the chain, and promote the high-quality development of the plant extract industry.

                Since its establishment, Fujian Summit has taken the planting of Melaleuca Alternifolia as an important initiative for industrial restructuring and developing rural economy, and widely promoted it in all towns and villages in Yong’an. At present, Fujian Summit has cooperated in 8 towns (offices) and 26 villages to build a planting base of Melaleuca Alternifolia, signed long-term purchase agreements with farmers, and driven more than 400 rural laborers to the road to prosperity. 


                The research team visited the Benzaldehyde production workshop of Summit Biotechnology

                Then in the Benzaldehyde production workshop, the research team learned about the source of Cassia Oil raw materials and the development of series products.


                The research team had a discussion with the relevant departments of Fujian Summit

                At 10:00 a.m., Director Zheng and other members of the research team had in-depth communication with the heads of relevant departments of Fujian Summit. They fully affirmed our company's development concept and R&D achievements of "using the characteristics of plant essential oil to research and develop green and residue-free biological pesticides and alternative antibiotic animal care products", and put forward guidance and suggestions for our company's industrial development work.

                Director Zheng said Fujian Summit's products have a broad market and good prospects, Fujian Summit should make full use of the characteristics of natural essential oils, constantly increase scientific and technological innovation, continue to develop more green products, and strive to achieve new corporate development. In addition, the relevant departments should do a good job of service and follow-up work, while helping enterprises to solve the problems in the development in a timely manner.


                Finally, Jiang Lihua from Fujian Summit expressed her sincere thanks to the research team members, and indicated that Summit Biotechnology has been deeply implementing the innovation-driven development strategy, enhancing the ability of independent innovation, and committed to promoting the high-quality development of the industry. In addition, Summit Biotechnology will continue to drive local economic development, actively help rural people to find employment, improve people's livelihood, and help rural revitalization.